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This college comines the values of a liberal, holistic, diverse pedagogy to develp the whole person. With a focus on global approach to teaching and research, we rely upon professors who represent a wide array of disciplinary backgrounds. We bring together various departments with the goal of forming curricula that guide students towards building solid foundations and being members of a society structured around business and administration. We cultivate specialists in multiple fields that demand not only a humanistic approach but also a pwerful language background. Graduates move on to play their roles as modern citizens in a world that demands innovative cultural and creative skills. We help them achieve their dreams of service as pragmatic management specialists with an international vision and a heart for invention.


Educational Goals

Courses offered in the Liberal Arts Division build upon three core foci: programming languages, second foreign languages, and management. Taken togehter, our curricula bring together both subject knowledge and interdisciplinary topics that foster students' computer and communication skills. We endorse a mindset focused upon innovation and comfort in connecting with the world. Through special areassuch as global business communications our students grow in their knowledge of management. We guide students in areas of specialization without neglecting an interdisciplinary focus. This is to meet the modern social demand for citizens rich in liberal human values, linguistic capabilities, and an awareness of managerial practices.


Departments and Programs

Our college includes the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (including an MA program) for graduates specialising in foreign languages; the Department of Applied Economics and Management (including an MA program) produces professional managers; the Department of Leisure Industry and Health Promotion (including an MA program) molds talented specialists in industrial management who will go on to shape an economic climate in which health and leisure sustainability are possible; the Executive Master of Busines s Administration Program produces managers with a solid professional knowledge of the field of business and management; the Bachelor Program of Intelligent Leisure Agriculture cultivates experts in the field of Ieisure agriculture who will promote the profession's goals of geniality, administrative expertise, and knowledge of eco-friendIy farming, business management, the leisure agriculture industry and information technology fields.


Department and Graduate Program



BA (extension program)

MA (extension program)

Department of Foreign Languages and Literature



Department of Applied Economics and Management



Department of Leisure Industry and Health Promotion


Executive Master of Business Administration




Bachelor Program of Intelligent Leisure Agriculture